Duxback™ Window Treatment

Klima Service™ News

There is no better time for a Klima Service than right now. Fuel economy has never been more important with spiralling fuel prices. A Klima Service is not only about reducing exhaust emissions its also about using less fuel.

Chinese conduct Full Test

In August 2008 a full laboratory test conducted at the Automobile Parts Test Center (Guangzhou) in China

On behalf of Perfect (China Co) Ltd showed that when using the exact same Klima Service system and product the following was achieved.

Torque increased by by 4.22%
Fuel Consumption decreased by 19.11%

Our Klima Service Systems and products work!!! Read the full report here.
(PDF - requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

The Press Report

The SunOn Sept 16th in a feature article the Sun Newspaper said;

‘Hard up motorists could save hundreds of pounds a year on fuel prices due to a new system which spring cleans engines…a driver who spends £50 per week on fuel could save between £60 and £150 over 30 months. They found they are able to increase efficiency by up to 45 per cent….

A spokesman added : this system burns more fuel in the engine rather than as it comes out of the exhaust. You’ll get more miles per gallon which will help the motorist in these days of rising fuel prices”